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Shall Not Be Infringed, My View on 2A

Due to recent events, I have been asked as a right of center advocate, if my view on guns has changed.   My response was, it has, but not ...

Friday, January 10, 2020

Democrats playing games, using smoke and mirrors

While I get the guy's point, I think it diminishes or trivializes the actual fight for our 2A rights. 

While it is ridiculous and he is doing it to prove a point, I don't think it is the way to go about it.

Interestingly, he is a democrat and he is going against their party line to attract the blue collar "traditionally democrat" voters who wont support democrats solely for their anti-2A stance.  Basically a smoke and mirror game, "look at me, I support guns!"  uh-huh. 

Link to the CBS Article

Link to Times Argus Article

Conservative point of view - Bongino Report

I have found this to be a decent source of conservative perspective information.

It collects articles from all over, including some MSM sources which have an relatively unbiased or right biased spin.  Similar to the Drudge Report.

Bongino Report LINK

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Today's Musing - 07 Jan 2020

Turning over a new leaf this year.  I will make a greater effort on my blog and add more musings and more papers.  Today is a slow news day, not much other than the usual whining of politics, Hollywierd fawning over itself after the golden globes mess and sadly the earthquake in PR and the Fires in Australia. 

I am glad to see we are sending some experienced fire fighters from the USFS to help out, we need to do more humanitarian missions, in my opinion. 

This year is going to be a wild ride with the fate of our nation in flux.  We as conservatives need to make sure that we get off our duffs and get to the polls to vote.  We need to show the world that these left wingers have awaken a sleeping giant, know as the silent majority.  Not all of us are leftists, not all of us are republicans, be we are all Americans! 

Here is a little something I wrote on FB this week.  I think it sums up my mindset right now:

Look, I'm half white. Grew up in an Hispanic culture most of my life. Colombian, Mexican, on the border, also in urban areas. Lived in Japan for several years. Bottom line, white people are not to blame for anyone's problems. Life is what you make of it. What you put in, you get out. If you expect the world to be handed to you without hard work, you are mistaken.
America is and always has been a land of great opportunities, but you have to make and take them. I have been to South Africa and I have seen real racism there. In Japan, I have been asked to leave places or have been harassed by police because I'm not Asian. In some areas of the US, I have gotten bad service because I don't speak Spanish fluently enough. But you know what? I survived, I moved on and i made my own life and my own successes.
I had no one to bail me out, I grew up poor, mom died what I was in my early 20s. I had no silver spoon or platter. What I have I made myself. Now I have a great family, great friends of all races, colors, religions, etc and why? Because I built those bonds through being a good person, working hard and not waiting for them to hand me something.
We need to stop focusing on what color or religion or political party we are, we need to understand, we are all Americans. We are all being played by those in power to focus on our differences and dislike each other because of them. If you cant see that, you are truly blind. We are Americans, our freedoms are being attacked through manipulation and psychological means. We need to wake up, all if us and tell those in power, we have had enough.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

My Weekly Musing - 05 November 2019

"New battleground state polls sent tremors through Democratic circles Monday" ...


This is actually a warning to people who oppose the Democrats and their extreme left agenda ... DO NOT GET COMPLACENT! 

You still need to get out and vote, there will be no victory without you executing your civil responsibility of voting.  There is no other way to look at it, the defeat of extreme leftist liberalism can only be achieved with your active participation in the voting process. 

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Subversive by Definition

John Carpenter's They Live movie
What is a subversive?  According to the Cambridge Dictionary, it is something or someone “tending to weaken or destroy an established political system, organization or authority.”  It  continues on to further define it as “especially an established political system” 
The founding fathers of this nation created a set of document which formed the foundation of the Federal Republic which we know as the United States of America.  It is a federation of 50 states and some territories with a central government of elected officials who exercise power according to the 
rule of law and our Constitution. 

If you watch the news today, you see activities conducted by a certain political party which is designed to undermine the power of the duly elected President of the republic and the oppositional political parties in the system.  They are using powerful psychological tools to manipulate the constituency’s thinking and rationale.  We see a daily onslaught of conspiracies and media spin designed to weaken the existing regime and its supporters.  That party is the Democratic Party of the United States. 

By definition, what they are doing is considered Subversive, they are actively trying to weaken an established political system, organization or authority.  Under 18 USC Chapter 115, being subversive without the use of force isn’t necessarily illegal, or is it?  What exactly is by force?  Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “By Force” as “using physical power”.  But the Cambridge Dictionary expands on the term by defining it as “a strong influence and energy, or a person with strong influence or energy.”  It goes on to say, “ Power to make someone do something, or to make something happen, esp. without offering the possibility of choice:  Social Forces …”

Encyclopedia Britannica defines Psychological Warfare as “the use of propaganda against an enemy, supported by … political measures as may be required.”  They indicate that the propaganda is designed to demoralize the opposition and break its will to resist or to manipulate the opposition’s rationale to favor theirs.  That same propaganda is used to strengthen its own supporters.  But most importantly, it is the “Twisting of personality and the manipulation of beliefs … by brainwashing and related techniques…”.

According to Vasco Ribeiro of the University of Portugal, Spin Doctoring is a euphemism for propaganda  (https://www.academia.edu/12833205/The_spin_doctoring_as_a_euphemistic_renaming_of_propaganda) and that Spin and Propaganda have very similar qualities.  We can also assume that Spin is something we are subjected to on a regular basis in the media today (https://billwojtas.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-news-we-see.html).  It is almost as it the Democratic Party is using the media as a weapon or a force to weaken or destroy the established authority by use of propaganda or spin, by the use of psychological warfare.  Does this fit the definition found in 18USC Chapter 115.2383,

“Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States”? 

That is something to think about, the Democrats are being criminally subversive.   What do you think?

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Conservative dollars

So, we as conservatives need to speak with our wallets since we are often silenced in speech.  I keep learning about companies or corporations using their brands to take political action.  It is getting hard to keep track of them all so I will maintain a list here.

Under no circumstance will I spend money for these brands or at these companies

Dicks Sporting Goods
Under Armour
Anything out of Hollywood or Broadway
USWNT (women's soccer)

Avoid as much as possible if there is a viable alternative



Places I will shop or brands I will buy

Home Depot
Chik fil  a
Tractor Supply Co.
Grunt Style
Black Rifle Coffee